The quality of any print job depends on the quality of the artwork supplied.
High resolution PDF's are ideal.
Mr Sticker can supply the necessary artwork for your job, if required, and will provide you with an email proof for final approval.
Cost of the artwork will depend on the complexity, and each job will be quoted separately.
If a label shape is of a complex nature, it will also be quoted separately.
Artwork for simple jobs is free as is the label knife if it is one that is in stock.
Please advise of your required size and we will list nearest available sizes.

We will match colours to samples supplied or specified PMS colours.
Please note that colour matches may not be exact because of different printing substrates and print technologies.
In cases where the colour match is critical we can usually provide samples printed on the required material.

Mr Sticker is the registered trading name of Mantex Pty Ltd A.C.N. 002 413 621 A.B.N. 34 002 413 621
Copyright © Mr Sticker 2014 All Rights Reserved. No part of this website may be reproduced without Mr Sticker's express consent.